
loVely DaddY bDAy ~~

today is daddy bday~hope he healthy always~muackxxx ^^
we jz bk from our dinner~although tis is jz a simple celebration but i feel warm and happy~hehe~~
hope can always together wit my family when every specially day~


yee bday^^

today is YEE bday oo~WISH she happy always^^
ytd celebrate wit her at 'fun ok' le~and capture le many picture~hehe~
old 1 age again~time pass so fast~ >.<
more 2 week need trial le~wuwu~anyone can help me?? T.T
but anywhere...HOPE our friendship forever^^


MY FM bday show

ytd go see jor MY FM de show...me and lisa can sit vip seat bcuz some site mistake...very lucky...haha^^
show theme is "xi you ji"...feel quite bored...jz my opinion lah...hehe~~
mayb next year can go again...hope wil more interesting... =D